Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Very Close Encounter with a Shark

Uncle Rico's police friend caught 3 sharks on a fishing trip in the South China Sea. He gave us half of one to cook at home. So Tsz Fung and I(who are the cooks half the time) had to figure out how to cook it. The sharks were about 2 and a half feet long each and were edible(or so they say). We decided to make some shark soup not knowing the best herbs to use. The soup was fatty and the boiled shark meat was tougher than fish and softer than chicken. It has a similar texture to snake. It tasted like a cross between white fish and pork, but it had a distinctive smell. Everyone was reluctant to eat it and half of the soup became left-overs. The next day, today, I went out with Uncle Rico's police friends to eat the rest of the shark meat. They chose an "old-school" chinese restaurant to cook it for them located next to a brothel. The shark meat was fried and served with tofu(the one in the picture). Being the honoured guest, I was served the biggest pieces one after another, whether I wanted it or not. I probably ate a whole shark...
Other than the culinary adventure, I was able to witness a night out for local Hong Kongers, which felt very "Hong Kong". I think I am begining to forge my iron stomach,I wonder what I'll eat next...

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