Saturday, September 19, 2009

Typhoons Karaoke and PolyU

The other day I found out what happens when a category 8 typhoon comes through. Somehow on my commute to school I didn't think it odd that there were very very few people out. When I got to school and realised that I was one of maybe 10 people that came, I decided I needed buy a TV or radio.
My school, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, is the largest in Hong Kong by population with approximately 28000 students. My program has 70 or so students, half of which are Chinese. This is the view from one of my classrooms:

So far classes have been very challenging and I study about 5 hours a day after school. I'm regretting not paying more attention in high school, my quantitative analysis class is hardcore... It's all Greek to me. Literally and figuratively!

But it's not all hard work, some of my classmates and I went to Hong Kong karaoke. Which is vrey similar to Tokyo style, except there is a buffet with crab, lobster, sushi, cake etc. Needless to say it was a very enjoyable experience :)